Empezamos la semana con un recopilatorio de enlaces para aprender/repasar ingeniería inversa de Jackson Thuraisamy de Security Compass. Básicamente es una serie de recursos que su autor fue recopilando mientras estuvo aprendiendo a encontrar vulnerabilidades de corrupción de memoria en Windows. El resultado es una lista bastante actualizada y variada con vídeos, artículos, tutoriales, writeups, etc., que siempre conviene tener a mano para revisar. Aquí os la dejo:
- LiveOverflow Binary Hacking🌟💬
- OpenSecurityTraining.info: Introductory Intel x86🌟
- OpenSecurityTraining.info: Introduction to Reverse Engineering Software
- RPISEC: Modern Binary Exploitation🌟
- OpenSecurityTraining.info: The Life of Binaries
- OpenSecurityTraining.info: Reverse Engineering Malware
- RPISEC: Malware Analysis
- The C Programming Language (K&R)
- The GNU C Reference Manual
- Learn C the Hard Way
- Learn C in Y Minutes
- Practical Reverse Engineering🌟💬
- Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software🌟💬
- Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux
- Wikibooks: x86 Disassembly
- A Bug Hunter's Diary🌟💬
- Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering🌟💬
- The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes
- Windows Internals🌟
- Rootkits and Bootkits: Reversing Modern Malware and Next Generation Threats
- Basic Dynamic Analysis with IDA Pro and WinDbg💬
- A Link to the Past: Abusing Symbolic Links on Windows
- Windows Kernel Graphics Driver Attack Surface
- bee13oy: Attacking Antivirus Software's Kernel Driver💬
- Direct X: Direct Way to Microsoft Windows Kernel
- A Window Into Ring 0
- Windows Drivers Attack Surface
- Malware Unicorn: Reverse Engineering Malware 101🌟
- HumbleSec: Assembly to Pseudocode Manually💬
- Mozilla: A Crash Course in Memory Management
- Corelan Team Exploit Writing
- Hacking the PS4: Userland ROP💬
- What is a "good" memory corruption vulnerability?🌟
- Attacking JavaScript Engines: A case study of JavaScriptCore and CVE-2016-4622
- The Stack Clash (Qualys Security Advisory)
- Windows Kernel Exploitation Part 3: Arb. Overwrite, NULL Ptr, Type Confusion And Int. Overflow Examples
- Windows Kernel Exploitation Part 4: Introduction to Windows Kernel Pool Exploitation
- hasherezade: Starting with Windows Kernel Exploitation
- Windows Kernel Exploitation Part 0: Kernel Debugging
- Windows Kernel Exploitation Part 1: Getting Started With The HackSysTeam Extremely Vulnerable Driver
- Windows Kernel Exploitation Part 2: My First Kernel Exploit
- A Brief Introduction To Using Z3 With Python
- FuzzySecurity Tutorials🌟💬
- phoenhex team write-ups🌟💬
- Project Zero Issue Tracker🌟💬
- Flare-On Challenge Solutions: 2015
- Flare-On Challenge Solutions: 2016
- Exploiting a Firefox UAF with Shared Array Buffers
- Analysis and Exploitation of an ESET Vulnerability
- Attacking the Windows NVIDIA Driver
- Smashing Flare-On #2 with Concolic Testing
- Windows Kernel Resources💬
- Dennis Yurichev's Reversing Challenges
- Exploit Exercises🌟
- Flare-On Challenges
- Compiler Explorer🌟💬
- HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Windows Driver
- Trail of Bits: manticore
- Trail of Bits: mcsema💬
- QuarksLab: Triton
- UCSB: Angr
- CMU: Pharos
- CEA: miasm
- CEA: qira
Gracias por compartir tal información.
ResponderEliminargracias por compartirlo,estaba buscando algo asi
ResponderEliminarBueno... Pues voy a intentar fumármelo todo como si de una Carrera se tratase.
ResponderEliminarA ver hasta dónde llego.
Hola...perdón por revivir este artículo del 2017, pero creo que falta algo... Os habéis dejado fuera al gran Ricardo Narvaja y sus cursos, tanto de reversing,como de exploits y demas... Y la lista de crackslatinos...!!!!