Hemos recopilado esos nombres y hemos creado una lista para que podáis seguirlos más fácilmente:
Lista BillFFSec
*old* Lista ensectwitters
Y cómo teníamos pendiente crear una lista de cuentas en español, podéis también encontrar la siguiente lista:
Por favor, no dudéis en comentar este post para recomendarnos más cuentas!
pd. Bueno, supongo que imagináis que no hemos añadido cuenta por cuenta cada nombre a cada lista, simplemente hemos usado un sencillo script en Ruby:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Librerias
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'twitter'
# Datos de conexion a twitter
# Configurar el cliente
Twitter.configure do |config|
config.consumer_key = TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY
config.consumer_secret = TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET
config.oauth_token = TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN
config.oauth_token_secret = TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET
users = %w[usuario1 usuario2 ...]
users.each do |user|
user_id = Twitter.user(user).id
Twitter.list_add_member('LIST', user_id)
p "added #{user}"
p "error on #{user}"
pd2: Os dejamos también el detalle de cada cuenta por si os interesa seguirlas individualmente:
Lista hispahacking on hackplayers
Miembros de la lista
Soy Chema Alonso, trabajador de Informática64 y escritor del blog Un informático en el lado del mal. http://www.elladodelmal.com Saludos Malignos!
one and a half architecture
Twitter oficial de elhacker.NET
Cuenta oficial de Jaime Andrés Restrepo, fundador de La Comunidad DragonJAR, una de las comunidades de seguridad informática mas grandes de Habla Hispana
Blog especializado en la Seguridad Informática, el Hacking Ético, Cómputo Forense y la Criptografía explicado por profesionales de cáda área.
Líder de los proyectos: www.Anti-Depredadores.org / www.Malware-Project.org / www.ElHackLab.org / www.Forensics-Project.org /
Not guilty.
I'm a Spanish security researcher, author of well-known exploits (IIS WebDAV) and winner in contests (like Pre-CTF Ekoparty 5th or Panda Challenge). #int3pids
Follow me as @Mario_Vilas instead, or be spammed to death by my nonsense. You've been warned.
h4ckc0nt3st author, organizer and participant of security competitions, security challenges maker :)
Gneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, enough?
A bit of geek, a bit of freak, and PandaLabs Technical Director. WildList reporter. AMTSO Board of Directors. And a bunch of other things :)
Verified Restless By Default
Mr. Wolfe. I'm Winston Wolfe. I solve problems
160 chars? Room for a secure password.
Holding stuff in my head since 0x7bf
Security analyst, mainly working on embedded, smart card and side channel security testing.
working at virustotal
Twitter del blog sobre Seguridad Informática Security Art Work
Sysadmin, programador, SAT, empresario, amante del Software Libre, Debian user, bloguero y friki. Y en mis ratos libres, también.
Security Professional, Consultant, Speaker, Trainer.
Security Operations, Cyber Security and #DFIR
Me gusta tomar mate.
Security Engineer
Security researcher and curious geek: vulnerabilities, exploiting, reversing, malware, e-crime, intel, privacy, malybuzz, peepdf...
Consultor especializado en Computer Forensics. Colaboro con las fuerzas de seguridad del estado y diversas organizaciones comerciales.
Security geek.
The cake is a lie
160 chars? noob.
Twitter del blog de seguridad informática SecurityByDefault
Cristian Borghello CISSP @ Segu-Info - Educación en Seguridad Informática y de la Información
Fanatico de la #Esteganografia,Informática Forense,Seguridad Informática y GNU/Linux.Autodidacta, 19 años y apasionado.Estudiante apenas..Creador de Neobits.org
Internet journalist
Security Researcher & Enthusiast. FireCAT | OWASP Mantra | #ToolsWatch
This is my serious account, for LinkedIn and all that stuff. As you can imagine I rarely use it :P so talk to me at @MarioVilas for a quicker reply.
Security Researcher / IT Security Analyst / Longboarder
mind:~#echo ‘route add default gw heart’ /etc/network/interfaces ENTER mind:~#/etc/init.d/networking restart
Security Fucksultant and Forensic Investigator
Apple FanBoy, linuxero a ratos y ex-solarisfan. Dedicado a la seguridad informática y a vivir, que ya es mucho. Homo sit naturaliter animal socialis (Seneca)
Oficina de Seguridad Informática en BM.Certs:CISSP,CISA,CISM,CEH.Maestría Seguridad @ Royal Holloway(UK).Mis tweets NO representan/reflejan las de mi empleador
Director y actor de cine XXX. En mi tiempo libre me dedico a la informática. Miembro de @RedInfoCol
Colombian Security Researcher,Independent,Gnu/Linux+Unix Fanboy,Geek,Beer,Video Game's,Challenges,Practical SE and learning always...
UNIX enthusiast, PenTester, OpenSource Developer, PainSec member.
Ecrime analyst Working at @s21sec my blog
Interested on #ctf #voip #linux #security #programming
Developer, entrepreneur, CTF player and member of #int3pids, among other things...
Telecom engineer, Linux sysadmin, developer, security enthusiast, open source advocate with a strong passion for Android smartphones and chiptune music lover.
Ingeniero en Informática y apasionado por la seguridad de la información y todas sus facetas.
Private Investigator Computer Security, vulnerability research, exploits development. CEH - C|EH (Certified Ethical Hacker) http://es.linkedin.com/in/japtron
#Security #Cloud #Privacy | working at @siclabs | writing on @secbydefault @observainteco @thehackersnews | #ISSA #CSA #OWASP | Opiniones Personales |
Security Consultant at Base4 Security
Rugbero lesionado, motero cuando puedo. Amante de lo geek. Estudiante de la UOC de 00:00 a 5:00. Trabajo en un TT de juanquer. Ahora tambien camisetero.
IT Security Analyst, CEH, GCFA & CISSP
BSC student. Interests around information security and networking... Also learning everything that passes through my hands/computer. (づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Ingeniero informático de sistemas. Organizador de @murcialanparty y trasteador profesional.
I'm student in ITC, born in 1989, and a engineer and developer multitask & theology & literature & Sci-Fi & Basketball & some much love the Caffeine!
Centro de Seguridad TIC de la Comunitat Valenciana
Consultor Seguridad. ITIS, CISA, MTISI, MISD, DLINK, FTSAI. Doctorando en Tecnologías de la Inform. y Sist. Informáticos. Fundador de http://www.flu-project.com
Me gusta la informatica, soy administrador de una comunidad llamada jugandoconlared, Me gusta tambien participar en Wargames informaticos
ICE/CCNA :: Conferencista, Instructor & Consultor :: Redes y Seguridad Informática :: La realidad es el resultado de nuestra percepción.
http://www.claudiocaracciolo.com.ar Director SP en Root-Secure Presidente de ISSA Arg Autor Libro Ethical Hacking -Un enfoque Metodologico para Profesionales
Un examinador forense digital en Latinoamérica - Como un CSI pero de las Computadoras... Podstar de @crimendigital
Global Research & Analysis Team - Kaspersky Lab | Founder of MalwareIntelligence | MS MVP Enterprise Security #cybercrime #crimeware #botnet #malware #icia
Red Temática de Criptografía y Seguridad de la Información
Socio Co-Fundador de Hispasec y VirusTotal. Seguridad Informática (y algunas cosas más: como papiroflexia, magia, tecnología...)
El Observatorio de la Seguridad de la Información de INTECO se dedica al estudio y difusión de la cultura de la Seguridad de la Información y la e-Confianza
Servicio oficial de una-al-día ofrecido por Hispasec Sistemas
El portal hacker, desde el Perú para el mundo, informándote lo último sobre seguridad informática, hacking ético y consejos para estar seguro en Internet.
3l Conocimiento Debe Ser Libr3!
Auditor de Sistemas, Pentester, Linuxero, Apasionado de la Tecnología la Fotografía y la Aeronáutica ...
JAVIER PEREZ - Hackers™ https://www.dreamlab.net Founder: http://www.8dot8.org
Blog colaborativo dedicado a compartir experiencias sobre CiberGuerra, CiberTerrorismo, CiberInteligencia y Tacticas de Hacking.
Security Consultant / Researcher
Consejos de seguridad para los internautas
Vulnerabilidades, exploits, guías, software, eventos, ligas nacionales de seguridad y hacking.
Tenemos que hacer planes para la libertad y no sólo para la seguridad, porque sólo la libertad puede hacer segura la seguridad. (Karl Popper)
Resp Ethical Hacking & SysAdmin at @apache_ctl. Pentesting, GLAMP, TIC: http://www.davidhernandez.es. More: @daboweb @debianhackers @caborian
InfoSpyware es la mayor comunidad de lucha e información sobre Virus, Spywares, Crimeware, Hackers, Phishing, Spam, Malwares y otras amenazas en idioma español
Principal referencia en cuanto a seguridad informática para todo el público de habla hispana. Programa Percepción 3.0 en @noticias24 Radio.
Sec-Track.com - The Do to Security
Resp. Sistemas. Adicto a Wireshark / Tshark & Snort & Prelude IDS / OSSEC. Analizando capturas de tráfico red... trasteando con scapy y geolocalización.
Jr Security Consultant & Instructor | Passionate about Information Security + Computer Forensics + Reversive Engineering + Fighting Cybercrime
Verified Account
Omar Benbouazza Villa - IT Security Consultant and Organizer at RootedCON - www.rootedcon.es
Always learning...in/security & IT
Lo Misterioso lo hace Cada vez mas Tentador.. Aunque puedes saber que me gusta: [In]-Seguridad ǂ Informatica ǂ Exploits ǂ Vulnerabilidades ǂ Metal ǂ Videogames
Information security consultant at México, penetration testing, software security and more geeky stuff
Amante de la Tecnología, GNU/Linux, WarGames y la Seguridad Informática y programador novato.
Blog dedicado al estudio de la Seguridad de la Información - Seguridad y Auditoria Informática (Recopilación de principales noticias, tools, Buenas practicas..)
Computer Science student, interested in programming, reversing, open source... Slowly getting into kernel hacking.
{IN}security lover. Enduro&Motocross lover. Amante del 2 tiempos y de las motos offroad.
Administrador y programador de ka0labs.org. Aprendiz de seguridad informática. A veces escribo tweets que merecen la pena ;)
Me encanta la seguridad informática, programar por programar en el lenguaje que sea, auditoria de paginas web. Si queréis saber mas de mi preguntarme
Computer freak. Administrador y programador de http://www.ka0labs.org e interesado en la (in)seguridad informática. Drinking & Coding ftw...
Web sobre informática, tecnología y seguridad, entre otras cosas.
Archer, SysAdmin, Developer & Security Researcher
Computer Engineering graduate of UNAM. Interested on management of information security, policies, standards, frameworks and best practices.
Comunidad de (in)seguridad informática, hacking, y noticias tecnológicas. Comunidad Lider #CPMx3 Los sistemas no son seguros por si mismos
Tecnología, seguridad informática, Internet y redes sociales. En algunas ocasiones sobre deporte y lo que tengo en mente...
Programa de Televisión sobre seguridad informática y hacking, espacios de debate, casos prácticos y sketch de humor. Mira y aprende es gratis.
Ingeniero de Sistemas en proceso. Programador dedicado, constante transnochador, motociclista orgulloso y observador silencioso de las maravillas del mundo.
Ingeniera de Sistemas, Tecnóloga en Sistemas de Información, CCNA 1, 2 y amante de todo lo referente a la seguridad, en especial el hacking web
Soy alguien que disfruta explotando los sistemas y sabe como sacarles el maximo provecho, al contrario de la mayoria que se conforma con lo imprescindible.
Foro de seguridad informática donde encontrarás tutoriales, wargames, software y mucho más!
ECCS, Seguridad Informática, Camino al CEH - Sofware Libre - Administrador de Redes, Despreocupado - Cansón y me mame de describirme o_O
Security Auditor, Ethical Hacking
Sitio dedicado al Hacking Ético y a la Seguridad Informática.
Noticias sobre los hackers... con humor y mala leche.
I am my facts...
IT Security Researcher Spain & Mexico
Estudiante de ingeniería informática y de telemática, apasionado del software libre y la seguridad informática, ademas soy fanboy de GNU/Linux ;)
Security consultant and ethical hacking
Ing en Telecomunicaciones,Fanático de la Seguridad Informática,Android,Windows,Linux,Open & Closed source,programación,comparto y leo lo que me comparten.
Java, .NET, python and C, but lately most of the time on mobile programming Android and IOS, A.K.A Gargyole Programmer
La Seguridad de la Información contada para todos los públicos. Information Security explained (almost always) for all public!
Analista de seguridad informática, programador jr en python y estudiante de ingeniería civil.
Saben de aquel viejo refrán informático que dice: No computable! (Bender B Rodriguez)
Soy Germán Sánchez y traigo el blog de www.enelpc.com basado en seguridad informática e investigaciones propias. www.enelpc.com
Sed bienvenidos al Twitter oficial de HackHispano.com
Informatico,Programador,Tecnico en Seguridad de Redes y Sistemas.
Programador,Administrador Redes,Tecnico en Seguridad Informatica,Consultor Seguridad de la Informacion.
Traigo el blog www.seginformatica.net dedicado a la seguridad/inseguridad informática y al estudio de nuevas vulnerabilidades.
PhD student at University of Zaragoza. Researching on security, performance and software engineering.
CTO of www.evicertia.es, computer & internet security guru, passionate rock climber, and of course a geek ;)
GC-GDT member, pentester ocasional.
Manu - Malware Researcher
Yo no pirateo, yo comparto.
Lista billfsec on hackplayers
Miembros de la lista:
Father of 2, husband of 1 and when I have spare time :) I love to deliver value to current and prospective clients in the information risk management arena!!!
Jack of all, master of some. Co-Founder & Director at Chatback Security Ltd. News, occasional blog and chat on ‘all things security’ (views are my own)
Information security and risk professional. Industry analyst. Frequent speaker and writer. Blog at www.spiresecurity.com.
My opinion is my opinion. It is also the opinion of what I do and wherever I do it. Thanks..
Security Architect, Cloud security, InfoSec, InfoSec did I mention InfoSec. Living the Dream!!!
Network | Infrastructure | Security engineering | Dainty little pwner from hell
attrition.org staff share this account. if we follow you, we really like you... or we really dislike you.
UK based Information Security Expert, Blogger, Writer, Presenter & Security Professional (CISSP CCSP ISO27001 Lead Auditor). Get Secure, Be Secure & Stay Secure
Tech Geek -- Focus on systems and infrastructure performance and security.
security, economics, and generic nerding
Naked Security chap at Sophos. Viruses, spam, computer security, that kind of stuff. Named 'Twitter user of the year' by Computer Weekly in 2009 and 2010.
Dave Aitel (CEO Immunity, Inc.)
I've changed my Twitter name to @mikko. This account is not in use.
In Reverse Order of Importance - Security Consultant, Lover of Sports, Busy Mom. My thoughts and words here are my own.
Collection of news and articles from the security world
Adam Ely – CISO of Heroku at Salesforce, author, and security startup advisor
InfoSec dude, Gamer, Rabblerouser, Bassist, and Husband
Sober three days.
We can fix it. We have the technology. OK. We need to create the technology. Alright. The policy guys are mucking with the technology. Relax. WE'RE ON IT.
He has a global posse.
The Internet Storm Center (ISC) is a program of the SANS Institute which monitors the level of malicious activity on the Internet.
Sharing thoughts on IT with a strong focus on information security
Long time PR guy - enterprise tech and security, greentech, proud papa of 2 boys, accomplished wiseacre
Physical and Logical Security Geek - Leadership Nut - Social Engineer
ATL chapt of the National Information Security Group. Meet 2nd Weds of each month at Gordon Biersch Buckhead at 645p - hottest ticket in town. Have you joined?
Expanding the spectrum of conversation one event at a time.
Cyber Security / Global Security
PaulDotCom Podcast & Blog, dedicated to providing the latest information security news.
Founder and Executive Director of SOURCE Conference. Ph.D in Biz Psych & CyberPsychology
A hiking, diving, InfoSec/hacking enthusiast who likes to cook and trying to look on the bright side of things.
Founder & CTO of WhiteHat Security, Internet security aficionado, hacker, 6-continent public speaker, TED alumni, Maui resident, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt.
Christian husband and father of five who moonlights as a technician with an interest in security and privacy.
A Washington DC area Information Security Professional. OWASP DC Co-Chair and organizer of AppSec DC & CapSec DC.
Research Director, Enterprise Security Practice at 451 Research http://www.451research.com
Infosponge, hyper-generalist, geek feminist, Canuck expat. Pwnie herder with @msftsecresponse. Tweets are my opinions only, RTs != endorsements.
Mom ★ Geek ★ Gamer ★Writer ★ Thinker ★ Musician ★ Opinionated ★ Really opinionated, actually.
Author/Speaker.Intellectual Property-Intelligence-Security-Safety-SocialMedia. Protect families especially the elderly/young; Humanitarian issues. Enjoying Life
Devastatingly handsome strategist, author, blogger, BBQ junkie and analyst @451Research covering endpoint, network and security management technologies
security type, #blogger, breaker of things, bass player, dad, #infosec #security #smartgrid, #cloud, creator of (-:|3 emoticon. I love my job.
Hi. I’m Trey, an InfoSec guy exploring the edges of the envelope. Musings: Aviation, Motorcycles, Technology, and Product Management.
Swim. Bike. Run. Kick. Punch. Code. Write.
Professional Computer Jerk.
Christian. Husband. Dad. CISO. Co-host of the Southern Fried Security Podcast. I speak only for myself.
Security Strategist/Intellectually Honest Ex-Analyst/Zombie Killer/Co-Founder of Rugged ruggedsoftware.org / Statements are mine & may not reflect Akamai's
I like risk! Also, My comments do not not necessarily represent the views of my employer.
hacker. chicagoan. woman. student of information security. musician. geek.
Security aficionado, consultant, researcher, blogger, podcaster.
I tweet about [IT] Security, privacy, politics, hockey, cars, current events...whatever! Oh, and I'm totally NSFW. **Opinions are entirely my own, period.
Working to reduce bad security outcomes. Representing myself here on Twitter.
Open source advocate, entrepreneur, writer, programmer and application security specialist.
I used to break stuff. Now I build it. Co-founder & CTO @SimplyMeasured with @aviel and @schoeny. Creator of TweetStats, security/startup speaker, loving life.
Security, Influence, Social Engineering, Career coaching. Too many things all at once.
Chief Executive Officer at IOActive
Information Security Professional. Sr Security Solution Architect at GreenPages Technology Solutions. CISSP CISA and recovering QSA.
Blogger, podcaster, QSA and security twit. Talking about Security since 2004 My opinions are my own and do not reflect those of my employer.
Application security, former L0pht researcher, L0phtCrack and Netcat for Windows developer, Veracode CTO & co-founder
I connect smart people, build communities, and live on the chaordic fringe. Founder @SecurityBSides. Payments (PCI) & Security guy. http://about.me/mikd
Devoted husband, Crossfit fanatic, general technology geek with a penchant for computers and photography, Enterprise Security Architect for a Fortune 500 Co.
InfoSec Consultant, Blogger, Author, Founder and Head of Ireland's CSIRT @irisscert
Crede Sed Proba thru Physical Security Technology
Channel, security and IT services prognosticator; CVC director; owner of The 2112 Group.
Nick Owen, CEO of WiKID Systems, Opensource Two-factor Authentication. These tweets are my own, just like my company (well, 50%). BsidesAtlanta co-organizer.
NoVA Infosec Blogger/Tweeter/Event Finder at NovaInfosecPortal.com. See bit.ly/whoisgrecs for more info.
Akamai CSO, Parent, Bostonian, Oenophile, Patriots Fan, personal stylist, FCSP, FiveFinger runner. Tweets my own.
Idiot savant who mumbles about security stuff from time to time.
Information security and risk management consultant. Strong project manager with interdisciplinary skillset to solve complex business and technical problems.
forget trying 2 be *anything* -love a jazzhand, infosec, good food, red wine, mimosas, nonprofits, redbull, connectivity & life. don't apologize for it.
Security and IT Project Management Student. Even though I'm done with school now I will always be a student :)
Builder of (successful) tech start-ups; trader; veteran tech security engineer / architect turned director; bold explorer of the final frontier, cloud security.
Infosec Generalist SME (You figure out what that means) and Open Source Evangelist [My tweets are my own, I speak for no one but myself here]
Board Certified ASIS Certified Protection Professional as well as a new husband. He consults for myriad enterprise clients on strategic incident planning.
Security industry strategist, futurist, dreamer, and proud P90X'er
CISO Financial/Healthcare. Dad, News Junkie, Writer, InfoSec Curmudgeon.
Security Consultant, Public Speaker, & Author Whistling ICBM launch codes since 1988
Computer security researcher working for Accuvant; photographer; shark enthusiast
Father of three, computer geek, information security guru, small business owner/operator, and *very* blessed by friends, family, and career.
Opinionated security geek. Owner of Voodoo Security, also CTO of IANS. VMware vExpert. SANS Instructor. Music lover. Unofficial Twitter Fun Gauge for Infosec.
InfoSec, Security, Privacy, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows, OpenSource, Beginners, Networks, Free Promotions, HamRadioStation.
JD/MA, displaced Cali Girl, triathlete, loves swimming & USC. DC via Seattle, IU & LA. Interests: all things telecomm, media, privacy, tech, infosec & clouds.
Experienced Information Security Professional | CISSP | @AtlSecCon Board Member | @CapeBretonTUG Founder | http://darrylmacleod.wordpress.com
Digital Forensic examiner, InfoSec n00b and fan of the World's Greatest Detective, Batman
Why do I only follow 403 simple. “You are not authorized to view this page. HTTP error 403 – F0rb1dd3n” ;-)
Into infosec (all of it). Aspire to eradicate duhkha.
The Hacker Academy is a premium membership community for beginner, intermediate and advanced information security professionals who want more out of training.
Security Professional, Tactical Urban Warfare Specialist & sole survivor of the 2012 Apocalypse. My Tweets just might save your life.
Seasoned security professional, pilot, photographer, sailor, good strong P1, BBQ & beer lover. Currently a CTO at major security firm.
I do math. And was once asked by R. Morris Sr. : "For whom?"
MD, Securus Global
Federal cybersecurity, risk management, cloud security and information assurance practitioner. Focused on policy and practice. Editor of FISMApedia.org.
Doing Application Security in the Product Management team at Realex Payments
Infosec, Infosec, cats. Infosec, Infosec, House. Infosec, Infosec, BSidesDFW. Infosec, Infosec, 80's. Infosec, Infosec, sarcasm. Boobs, Boobs, infosec.
Husband, Father, and San Franciscan. Infosec professional, founder of Vontu (now part of Symantec).
InfoSec, Risk, and Privacy Strategist. More at www.linkedin.com/in/chrisveltsos
A silly man w/bow tie who rides around in a blue Jeep. Christian. InfoSec&Risk Dir@LMG. OS X/Android.Run/Cycling. Cook. Dad.Husband. Comics. Former TAB blogger
Incident Responder and cyber security and risk management consultant. TX Cop. LE technology analyst. Intel geek, dad, baker's husband.
Likes: security, wine, P90X, motorcycles, long walks on the beach Dislikes: mean people, bad coffee
one more geeky girl on too many social network sites. groks payments, risk, fraud, e-commerce, identity...and music, dance, and caffeinated beverages.
Hack-the-Lab is a community of security specialists from Stonesoft with the sole aim of keeping people up to date with the latest security incidents and news.
Cognoscenti de securitas.FinCo CISO now Research Director for Information Security/Networking @451Research.Blawger @PraetorianPref.Opinions are mine alone.
Security Project Manager for Errata Security, Co-Founder of BayThreat, Founder of The InfoSecMentors Project, and Organizer/Moderator for SECore.info
Jennifer (Jabbusch) Minella. CISSP, HP MASE, Network Infrastructure Specialist, 802.1X devotee, writer, speaker, security diva
Manager - Information Security - Wyndham Worldwide Corp. Writer & author of security books/articles. Views expressed here are mine & not the views of Wyndham.
Infosec Geek, Hacker, Social Activist, Author, Speaker, Parent.
140 Characters for a bio? really? http://www.spacerogue.net/wordpress/?page_id=49
InfoSec, Malware Analysis, Digital Forensics, Cigar Geek
Chief Security Evangelist at HP Software. I blog, podcast, speak and think -http://podcast.wh1t3rabbit.net Remember: Security is NOT a hat trick!
Security Junkie, Runner, a Sales Engineer/Solutions Architect @AlertLogic.. - www.ericirvin.com
Founder & VP of Technology at Alert Logic. Rant about #security #food #logmanagement #cloud
Vice President of Strategy, CoreTrace
Sporadic Blogger, Security BSides co-founder, InfoSec Curmudgeon, Reluctant CISSP, Tenable Product Manager, Amateur Blacksmith, BS Artiste Extraordinaire, more
Writer. IT security • Cloud Computing • Technology • Science • Markets
infosec obsessive
Fitness Culturist (P90X, X+, Insanity, TRX & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Fanatic.) Technosopher. Cloud & Virtualization (Security) Dude. I work at Juniper Networks.
Security, Business, Writer, old dude
Proud PCI QSA, Social Media addict, OS X Breaker, IT Security geekette, Social Engineer, and overall misunderstood girl
IT security #Stonesoft. Apple evangelist, queer geek, avid reader, dog lover, skier, locksport, travel, firearms, politics. #InfoSec #UNIX
Vice President, Volly Solution Development at Pitney Bowes. Experienced security and cloud computing executive. Comments are my own.
If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked. What's more, you deserve to be hacked.
Inspiring leaders worldwide.
Blogger and Security commentator. The words on this account may not constitute any comment in a professional capacity or any organisation that I may represent.
USN Veteran. Security Consultant. Owner and Founder, Leverage Consulting & Associates.
Father. Husband. Geek. Sheepdog. Security wonk. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? #MTAMO
Director of Security Research, McAfee Labs
CSO of a Fortune 1000, Jarhead, Christian, Founder DerbyCon, Creator of Social-Engineer Toolkit, FastTrack, Artillery, Author, exploits, Father/Hubby, Hugger
InfoSec student, OSCP, Good for Nothing, Low Down, etc.
Tweets are mine alone and do not represent my employer. RTP. Infosec. B-movies. Sarcasm. Lightbulb jokes. Song parody. Python, ruby, BeEF. Your mom jokes.
Someone that just gets it done, whatever 'it' happens to be...
Father, Pianist, Gamer, Reformed CIO/CxO...always looking forward, never losing respect for history - If you don't change this world, which one will you change?
InfoSec Engineer, Recreational Hacker, Amateur Lockpicker, Tinkerer & Voider of Warranties. My opinions do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.
ResponderEliminarAgradecer al script por haberme tenido en cuenta (@murano_) xD... Muy practico y funcional felicidades por esa, ademas aproveche para seguir a algunos profesionales mas que desconocia.
Aprovecho para recomendar unas cuentas que podrian estar perfectamente en el listado, @c4fdez @bef0rd, @dachcode, @nonroot
Gracias por la oportunidad. Saludos a tod@s. Comparto esta lista que en un t'ermino de casi dos a;os he creado. Y falto yo en la de ustedes! Hackplayers me habia dado el privilegio de poner mi blog en su blogroll, este lo perdi, al cambiar mi link que ahora es tic-seguridad.blogspot.com :(
ResponderEliminarEn mi lista habr'a nuevos sugeridos, para esta lista tan especial que ustedes han compartido ac'a, amigos de Hackplayer y sus seguidores. Yo difundo de quienes considero maestros, soy aprendiz, pero al difundir parece que logro compartir con grandez profesionales del medio, Gracias! Tengo feeds automatizados directo de sus post ami tuiter y en mi site, y no ped'i permiso hehe, espero no tener que retirarlos de ambas fuentes.
Exitos para todos y todas.
Angel Aldana
Se me olvid'o el link de la lista que anunci'e hiba a compartir con ustedes, aqu'i va! https://twitter.com/#!/Aldana_Angel/masters1
ResponderEliminargracias @murano_ por las recomendaciones, ya les he añadido a la lista :D
ResponderEliminargracias Angel por compartir también tu lista y por supuesto que no hay problema en automatizar nuestros feeds. He actualizado nuestro blogroll con el nuevo enlace de tu blog.
Un saludo!
Hola muchas gracias por tomarme en cuenta con @hack4lifemx saludos!
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias Amigo Vicente. Cordial saludo. Gracias por el link en su blogroll! Y gracias a todos por los aportes a la divulgaci'on y el intercambio en el mundo de la Seguridad InformAtica.
ResponderEliminarAngel Aldana
@banchiero, especialista en seguridad informática, instructor, da cursos en forma gratuita