Los proyectos Milw0rm e Inj3ct0r se han fusionado y trasladado a 1337db (1337 Exploit DataBase) un nuevo dominio que seguirá hospedando la magnífica base de datos de exploits.
Os dejo el aviso:
"The two projects merged into one. More secure and more powerful. We will not leave you. We will fight till the end. We are part of the underground. The team stays with you. Our new name 1337db (1337 Exploit DataBase) . We thank everyone who stayed with us. We will not let you down. We will work autonomously.
Rip Milw0rm? Bye Inj3ct0r? not die ... We switched to a higher level =]
Personal Thank: Sid3^effects, L0rd CrusAd3r, secuid0, indoushka, anT!-Tr0J4n, etc.. Thank you very much. You have made a great contribution to my 1337 life ;)
Os dejo el aviso:
"The two projects merged into one. More secure and more powerful. We will not leave you. We will fight till the end. We are part of the underground. The team stays with you. Our new name 1337db (1337 Exploit DataBase) . We thank everyone who stayed with us. We will not let you down. We will work autonomously.
Rip Milw0rm? Bye Inj3ct0r? not die ... We switched to a higher level =]
Personal Thank: Sid3^effects, L0rd CrusAd3r, secuid0, indoushka, anT!-Tr0J4n, etc.. Thank you very much. You have made a great contribution to my 1337 life ;)
Me han dicho por Twitter que este nuevo mirror no tiene nada que ver con la gente de milw0rm, simplemente usaron una copia vieja de la base de datos, no me consta si es asi o no pero cuidado de todas formas...
Si no me equivoco este site estubo en linea antes que milw0rm saliera de linea, creo que se esta tomando mal la info, aparte de eso existen muchas webs que tiene los exploit tan antiguos como los del gran milw0rm