Yet another +100 Twitters list speaking about security

After publishing the previous compilations of blogs (English & blogroll, Spanish & blogroll), now we would like to publish another new list from a huge source of news, comments and links about computer security ... we are talking about the Twitter microblogging.

This time we have collected over 100 Twitters where authors write (very interesting) short messages or tweets
in English (soon we hope to publish another list with other/at least 100 in Spanish).

We know Twitters number is almost infinite. What are your favorites?

  1. alex knorr (opexxx)
  2. Alexander Polyakov (sh2kerr)
  3. Alexos (alexandrosilva)
  4. ash (uglypackets)
  5. Black Hat Briefings (BlackHatEvents)
  6. Cooper (networkdefense)
  7. CoreSecurity (CoreSecurity)
  8. Cyber Informer (cybfor)
  9. (CyberInsecure)
  10. Chris Gates (carnal0wnage)
  11. DaH4ckeR (dah4cker)
  12. DarkReading (DarkReading)
  13. Dave Marcus (DaveMarcus)
  14. Digitalmunition (megattack_)
  15. Dmitriy Evdokimov (evdokimovds)
  16. dragosr (dragosr)
  17. dum0k (dum0k)
  19. eicar (eicar)
  20. eLearnSecurity (eLearnSecurity)
  21. Erik Borda (ebordac)
  22. Ero (erocarrera)
  23. Exploit Database (exploitdb)
  24. F-Secure Weblog (fsecure_weblog)
  25. Gumblar (Gumblar)
  26. Hack In The Box (hackinthebox)
  27. Hack Talk (hacktalkblog)
  28. hackerzvoice (hackerzvoice)
  29. HackThis (HackThisOrg)
  30. hacktimes (hacktimes)
  31. Hamid Kashfi (hkashfi)
  32. helpnetsecurity (helpnetsecurity)
  33. In Reverse (in_reverse)
  34. InfoSec (InfoSec)
  35. iSecLab (iseclaborg)
  36. Ivan (Ivanlef0u)
  37. Jart Armin (HostExploit)
  38. Johnny Long (ihackstuff)
  39. Jonathan James (areusecure)
  40. Kaspersky Lab (kaspersky)
  41. Kevin Fiscus (kevinbfiscus)
  42. Kevin Johnson (secureideas)
  43. Kimberly (StopMalvertisin)
  44. Lenny Zeltser (lennyzeltser)
  45. Madison Grace (SecThreat)
  46. Malware (malware)
  47. Malware Database (malwaredb)
  48. Malware Domain List (_MDL_)
  49. malware group (malwaregroup)
  50. Malware Reports (MalwareReport)
  51. MalwareCity (MalwareCity)
  52. Mario Vilas (MarioVilas)
  53. Matthias Kaiser (matthias_kaiser)
  54. McAfee (McAfeeAvertLabs)
  55. Metasploit Project (metasploit)
  56. MoCyberSecurity (MoCyberSecurity)
  57. Moshe Ben Abu (Trancer00t)
  58. novainfosec (novainfosec)
  59. NWN STAR CoE (NWNSecurity)
  60. offensive security (offsectraining)
  61. owasp (owasp)
  62. Paterva (Paterva)
  63. Pedro Bueno (besecure)
  64. Phil Agcaoili (Hacksec)
  65. Practical Exploit~1 (practicalexplt)
  66. Punter (punter_infosec)
  67. Richard Bejtlich (taosecurity)
  68. Roel Schouwenberg (Schouw)
  69. Romain (deobfuscated)
  70. RoMaNSoFt ☠ (roman_soft)
  71. rs (reverseshell)
  72. Rubén Santamarta (reversemode)
  73. safend (safend)
  74. SANS Institute (SANSInstitute)
  75. SANS ISC (sans_isc)
  76. sansforensics (sansforensics)
  77. SCF Team (SCforum)
  78. Sean Sullivan (FSLabsAdvisor)
  79. Sec542 WebPenTesting (sec542)
  80. Secuobs Revue US (secuobsrevueus)
  81. (SecureList)
  82. Security Response (msftsecresponse)
  83. Security Tube (SecurityTube)
  84. Security Twits (securitytwits)
  85. Security4all (security4all)
  86. Security-Database (ToolsWatch)
  87. securityninja (securityninja)
  88. securls (securls)
  89. Shahin (ShahinRamezany)
  90. shellprompt (shellprompt)
  91. snowfl0w (snowfl0w)
  92. SophosLabs (SophosLabs)
  93. Stephen A. Ridley (s7ephen)
  94. The Dark Tangent (thedarktangent)
  95. thierryzoller (thierryzoller)
  96. Thomas Eriksson (mov_ebp_esp)
  97. Thorsten Holz (thorstenholz)
  98. Threatpost (threatpost)
  99. Vadim Toptunov (Pentesting)
  100. VUPEN Security (VUPEN)
  101. Win Security (winsec)
  102. xanda (xanda)
  103. ...sure you know more, please comment!!


  1. I've just created a list with all these Twitters:

    Be updated on everything about ciber-security!

  2. and finally we've published a new page for tracking Twitters!:


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