This time we have collected over 100 Twitters where authors write (very interesting) short messages or tweets (usually) in English (soon we hope to publish another list with other/at least 100 in Spanish).
We know Twitters number is almost infinite. What are your favorites?
- alex knorr (opexxx)
- Alexander Polyakov (sh2kerr)
- Alexos (alexandrosilva)
- ash (uglypackets)
- Black Hat Briefings (BlackHatEvents)
- Cooper (networkdefense)
- CoreSecurity (CoreSecurity)
- Cyber Informer (cybfor)
- CyberInsecure.com (CyberInsecure)
- Chris Gates (carnal0wnage)
- DaH4ckeR (dah4cker)
- DarkReading (DarkReading)
- Dave Marcus (DaveMarcus)
- Digitalmunition (megattack_)
- Dmitriy Evdokimov (evdokimovds)
- dragosr (dragosr)
- dum0k (dum0k)
- eicar (eicar)
- eLearnSecurity (eLearnSecurity)
- Erik Borda (ebordac)
- Ero (erocarrera)
- Exploit Database (exploitdb)
- F-Secure Weblog (fsecure_weblog)
- Gumblar (Gumblar)
- Hack In The Box (hackinthebox)
- Hack Talk (hacktalkblog)
- hackerzvoice (hackerzvoice)
- HackThis (HackThisOrg)
- hacktimes (hacktimes)
- Hamid Kashfi (hkashfi)
- helpnetsecurity (helpnetsecurity)
- In Reverse (in_reverse)
- InfoSec (InfoSec)
- iSecLab (iseclaborg)
- Ivan (Ivanlef0u)
- Jart Armin (HostExploit)
- Johnny Long (ihackstuff)
- Jonathan James (areusecure)
- Kaspersky Lab (kaspersky)
- Kevin Fiscus (kevinbfiscus)
- Kevin Johnson (secureideas)
- Kimberly (StopMalvertisin)
- Lenny Zeltser (lennyzeltser)
- Madison Grace (SecThreat)
- Malware (malware)
- Malware Database (malwaredb)
- Malware Domain List (_MDL_)
- malware group (malwaregroup)
- Malware Reports (MalwareReport)
- MalwareCity (MalwareCity)
- Mario Vilas (MarioVilas)
- Matthias Kaiser (matthias_kaiser)
- McAfee (McAfeeAvertLabs)
- Metasploit Project (metasploit)
- MoCyberSecurity (MoCyberSecurity)
- Moshe Ben Abu (Trancer00t)
- novainfosec (novainfosec)
- NWN STAR CoE (NWNSecurity)
- offensive security (offsectraining)
- owasp (owasp)
- Paterva (Paterva)
- Pedro Bueno (besecure)
- Phil Agcaoili (Hacksec)
- Practical Exploit~1 (practicalexplt)
- Punter (punter_infosec)
- Richard Bejtlich (taosecurity)
- Roel Schouwenberg (Schouw)
- Romain (deobfuscated)
- RoMaNSoFt ☠ (roman_soft)
- rs (reverseshell)
- Rubén Santamarta (reversemode)
- safend (safend)
- SANS Institute (SANSInstitute)
- SANS ISC (sans_isc)
- sansforensics (sansforensics)
- SCF Team (SCforum)
- Sean Sullivan (FSLabsAdvisor)
- Sec542 WebPenTesting (sec542)
- Secuobs Revue US (secuobsrevueus)
- securelist.com (SecureList)
- Security Response (msftsecresponse)
- Security Tube (SecurityTube)
- Security Twits (securitytwits)
- Security4all (security4all)
- Security-Database (ToolsWatch)
- securityninja (securityninja)
- securls (securls)
- Shahin (ShahinRamezany)
- shellprompt (shellprompt)
- snowfl0w (snowfl0w)
- SophosLabs (SophosLabs)
- Stephen A. Ridley (s7ephen)
- The Dark Tangent (thedarktangent)
- thierryzoller (thierryzoller)
- Thomas Eriksson (mov_ebp_esp)
- Thorsten Holz (thorstenholz)
- Threatpost (threatpost)
- Vadim Toptunov (Pentesting)
- VUPEN Security (VUPEN)
- Win Security (winsec)
- xanda (xanda)
- ...sure you know more, please comment!!
I've just created a list with all these Twitters: http://twitter.com/hackplayers/ensectwitters.
ResponderEliminarBe updated on everything about ciber-security!
and finally we've published a new page for tracking Twitters!: http://hackplayers.blogspot.com/p/seguimiento-de-twitters.html
ResponderEliminarBrute Logic (brutelogic)